creative producer & graphic designer


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This year, hunger stones with texts like "Wenn du mich seehst, dann weine" became visible in several European rivers. The stones were laid down in the riverbeds by people hundreds of years ago during extreme drought in the hope that future generations would never have to see them.

Amsterdam faces an opposite problem. Our city is finite. If we look at water level predictions, Amsterdam will be under water within 250 years. Inspired by the warning of famine stones, Collectief Walden commemorates the flooding. The maximum potential sea level rise is seventy meters, if all the land ice on our planet melts. In the Tolhuistuin, Collectief Walden is building a memorial that changes along with the rising water level. How do we commemorate a disaster that awaits us? And how does it affect the choices we make today?

During WE ARE WARMING UP FESTIVAL, Collectief Walden makes the first blueprint of the monument for the disaster to come.

Collectief Walden
Creative producer: Raïssa Pater