creative producer & graphic designer


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Lost Landscape

Lost Landscape

A poetic route shows how we as humans interact with nature. People cannot restrain themselves to appropriate and build places in their environment. In Jeugdland too, the children are busy building and creating themselves, but what does this actually mean? Our intervention transforms the landscape into a new form. Nature reacts to this again, adapts or overgrows. This performance shows how order and the original go hand in hand.

*Jeugdland is a nature playground in the East of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

This project is part of a graduation performance of Sabine Okrouhlik, student Scenography at the Amsterdam University of the Arts.

Scenic Design: Sabine Okrouhlík
Creative producer: Raïssa Pater
Assistent producer: Job Leseman
Actors: Ella Jonker, Zoë Schollee, Martijn Huisman & Annet de Ruiter
Light designer: Hessel Hilgersom
Technician: Erik Gramberg
Graphic designer: Linde Ruigrok van der Werven

Big thanks to:
Tatyana van Walsum, Hella Godee, Bart Visser, Gemma van Kruijsbergen, Bas de Bruijn, Bodine Sutorius, het Decoratelier, Afdeling Theater Techniek & Jeugdland Amsterdam.

Tickets: Lost Landscape tickets

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 2 oktober
Latere gebeurtenis: 9 april
Constructions of my interior