creative producer & graphic designer


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The Sound of Light

The Sound of Light is a performance installation that makes the voice of natural light audible. An installation that generates electricity by means of the force of nature, from which a composition ensues.

Together we  search for the sound and color of light. Can natural light be, just as humans, a source of music?
With this installation we want to create more awareness about natural light, by making it’s fluctuating values ​​audible. Any change in sound is equivalent to a change in natural light. By composing with light, we create awareness of the power of nature.

 Come listen to what the natural light has to say!

Tune in on the 20th, 21th, 27th and / or 28th of June from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm CET via Youtube, Facebook and Instagram.

Design: Natural Light Project
Creative producer: Raïssa Pater
Sound design: Maurits Nijhuis and Samuel de Smit
Technical design: Samuel de Smit
Voice-over: Xandra Nur Clark

This project was made possible by the Amsterdam University of the Arts and the Interfaculty Foundation.

Eerdere gebeurtenis: 15 juni
Latere gebeurtenis: 2 oktober